兒童品格聖經—新約篇(中英對照) 繁體  BS1050

兒童品格聖經—舊約篇(中英對照)繁體 BS1041


The CNV Kid's Bible: A character Builder is Written for the children aged 3 to 9 in mind, as a blueprint to aid parents to fulfill their God-given duties. In this book there are 52 units, each comprising 7 sections: 1.Bible Story; 2. Verse to Know; 3. Character Builder(a moral tale or a testimony); 4. Prayer; 5. A Life Lesson(intake-output balance); 6. Hoopla Whoopee Time(Games); and 7. Tips for parents.



The CNV Kid's Bible: A Character Builder is devised with these convictions:



   We begin with God's Word: Since the creation, the well being of mankind hinges upon full obedience to God's Word. To read the bible followed by verse memorization is like practicing Psalm 119:11- hiding God's word in our hearts, having our life course set straight.


   We emphasize the Word's application: Moral tales and testimonies are carefully chosen to correlate with the verses to ensure full comprehension and right application.  

3.向神禱告: 禱告是人和神建立關係的不二法門,也是人向神支取力量實踐他話語的關鍵。每個單元都有禱文一篇,供家長和子女參考,藉以親近父神。

   We believe in taking prayers seriously: Our children will learn to pray simple but constant prayers, to draw power from God in putting the moral lesson into action.


   We do what it takes to internalize: : "A Life Lesson" activities are designed to balance our kids' digestion and production out if the content.

5.以愛培育子女: 遊戲是孩童生活的一部分,家長可以藉著遊戲跟子女建立關係,也可以藉著遊戲塑造他們的品格,“童來兒嬉”正是這樣美好的親子時間。“家長小貼士”名副其實,是建議給家長的技巧或心法,讓家長可以從中得到啓發,明白如何塑造子女的品格。

   We hold dear the principle of learning well by having fun: "Hoopla Whoopee Time" gives diversion to take the edge off an often-felt dryness in moral lecture. "Tips for Parents" serve to inspire more creative and dedicated efforts to guide.

language 中英文
publisher 環球聖經
Pages 140
Length 235x190x150 mm
Weight 600 g

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兒童品格聖經 新約/舊約

  • Brand: 環球聖經
  • Product Code: 009757
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HKD195.00

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