• Amazing Worship Piano

1. 只向祂讚美 Praise Only For Him
2. 一生獻作活祭 Our Life As Offering
3. 牽引 Lead Me
4. 神大愛 God’s Magnificent Love
5. 慈繩愛索 The Rein Of Love The Rope Of Grace
6. 不變的愛 Unchanging Love
7. Jesus Is Love
8. 主的恩典 Lord's Grace
9. 引領 Guidance
10. 惟獨祢 Only You
11. 是祢 You Are The One
12. 請堅固我 Lord Please Strengthen Me
13. 請聽我傾訴 May You Listen To My Prayers
14. 我誠實 My Honest
15. 星火飛騰 Sparks Fly Upward
16. 願您平安 May Peace Be With You
17. 來到主祢面前 Come Before You Lord
18. 耶和華祢配得稱頌 Lord You Are Worthy Of Our Praises
19. 親眼看見祢 My Eyes Have Seen You
20. 耶穌,我愛祢 Jesus, I Love You
21. 永不疲乏 Never Grew Weary
22. 我的牧者 The Lord Is My Shepherd
23. 因為祢先愛我們 As You First Loved Us
24. 祢的名何在全地何其美 How Beautiful Art Thou Name
25. 我受造奇妙可畏 I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
26. 我心切慕祢 My Soul Longs For You
27. 我的泉源在祢裡面 I Draw My Source From You
28. 祢是我的神 You Are My God
29. 愛裡沒有懼怕 No Fear In Love
30. 愛篇 Psalm Of Love
31. 感謝祢對我的愛 Grateful For Your Love
32. 耶穌是主 Jesus The Saviour

Video & Audio
Format 粵語、單CD
Publisher 基恩敬拜音樂事工
Weight Weight 0.12 kg

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Amazing Worship Piano

  • Brand: 基恩敬拜
  • Product Code: 006675
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HKD100.00