• 恩典充滿這地


恩典充滿這地 曲目
  1. 序曲-恩典充滿這地 Prelude-Fill This Land With Grace
  2. 恩典充滿這地 Fill This Land With Grace
  3. 耶穌基督祢是王 Jesus Is The Lord
  4. 來向耶和華歌唱 Come Praise The Lord
  5. 人算甚麼 What Is The Man
  6. 謝謝祢的愛 Thank You For Your Love
  7. 主必看顧您 The Lord Will Look Upon You
  8. 靠主誇勝 Victory In The Lord
  9. 基督恩典 Grace Of Christ
  10. 歸回平靜 Return And Rest In The Lord
  11. 放下擔子 Lay Down The Burden
  12. 鑒察我心 Come Search Me Lord
  13. 原諒我 Forgive Me Lord
Video & Audio
Format 粵語、單CD
Publisher 基恩敬拜音樂事工
Length Length(L x W x H) 12.5 x 14 x 10 cm
Weight Weight 0.12 kg

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  • Brand: 基恩敬拜
  • Product Code: 008318
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HKD105.00