• 平安的路


平安的路 曲目
  1. 序曲-平安的路 Prelude-Path Of Peace
  2. 諸天讚美 The Heavens Praise Him
  3. 讚美造物主 Praise Our Creator
  4. 神愛我 God Loves Me
  5. 靠祢歡欣 Rejoice In You
  6. 有祢同行 With You By My Side
  7. 平安的路 Path Of Peace
  8. 感謝一生有祢 Thank You For Being In My Life
  9. 賜我力量 Give Me Strength
  10. 合一的心 Spirit Of Unity
  11. 稱頌祢名 Praise His Name
  12. 主必指引 The Lord Will Guide
  13. 願祢的國來臨 May Your Kingdom Come
  14. 傳至地極 To The Ends Of The Earth
Video & Audio
Format 粵語、單CD
Publisher 基恩敬拜音樂事工
Length Length(L x W x H) 12.5 x 14 x 10 cm
Weight Weight 0.12 kg

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  • Brand: 基恩敬拜
  • Product Code: 006689
  • Availability: In Stock
  • HKD105.00